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Grade 8 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
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Solve each equation. Check your solution.
Question 3
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\(\cfrac{1}{3}\text{h} - 4(\cfrac{2}{3}\text{h} - 3) = \cfrac{2}{3}\text{h} -6\)
Question 4
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\(8(\text{c} - 9) = 6(2\text{c} - 12) - 4\text{c}\)
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Copy and Solve Solve each equation. Show your work on a separate piece of paper.
Question 5
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\(-10\text{y} + 18 = -3(5\text{y} - 7) + 5\text{y}\)
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Question 6
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\(8(\text{t} + 2) - 3(\text{t} - 4) = 6(\text{t} - 7) + 8\)
Question 9
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The school has budgeted $2,000 for an end-of-year party at the local park. The cost to rent the park shelter is $150. How much can the student council spend per student on food if each of the 225 students receives a $3.50 gift?
Question 10
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Reason Abstractly The table shows the number of students in each homeroom.
a . Write an equation to find the number of students in Mr. Boggs’s homeroom if the total number of students is 90.
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Question 10
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b . Solve the equation from part a to find the number of students in Mr. Boggs’s homeroom.