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Grade 8 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
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Question 20
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Determine if each table represents a linear or nonlinear function.
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Question 21
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Jung has $200 in a safe. Each month, he adds another $10 to the safe. Miguel opens a savings account with a $200 deposit and earns 2.5% interest each month on the total amount of money in the bank. Determine if each statement is true or false.
a . The function representing Jung's savings is nonlinear.
b . The function representing Miguel's savings is linear.
c . After 1 year, Jung will have saved $320.
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Question 25
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The table shows the average number of phone calls Riley makes per day.
a . Write an equation to find the total number of phone calls made in any number of days. Describe the relatioship in words.
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Question 25
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b . Use the equation to determine how many phone calls Riley would make in 1 week.