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Grade 8 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
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Question 1
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The graph below displays the distance from Luis' home as he walks his dog in his neighborhood. Describe the change in the distance from his home over time.
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Question 2
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The graph below displays the speed of a city bus as it stops frequently to pick up passengers. Describe the change in the speed over time.
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Question 3
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A grand piano that is over 100 years old has increased in value rapidly from when it was first purchased. Sketch a qulitative graph to represent the situation.
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Question 4
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An athlete alternates between running and walking during a workout. Sketch a qulitative graph to represent the situation.
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Question 5
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Reason Abstractly Use the graph at the right which displays the rate at which Hector hiked along a path.
a . What situation could the horizontal line segment represents?
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Question 5
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b . What situation could the vertical line segment represent?
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Question 5
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c . Did Hector's rate increase or decrease during the first portion of his hike? Explain your reasoning.
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