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Grade 8 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
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Question 15
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Gregory is creating a mosaic for art class. He started by using triangular tiles as shown.
Triangles A and B are congruent. Describe possible transformations he could have used if triangle A is the preimage and triangle B is the image?
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Question 16
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Pentagon ABCDE is reflected across the line shown and then rotated 72° clockwise about its center to create congruent pentagon FGHIJ . Label the vertices of FGHIJ in the correct position on the image.
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Spiral Review
Graph each figure with the given vertices and its image after the indicated transformation. Then give the coordinates of the final image.
Question 17
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¯ CD : C (-2, 4), D (0, 0); translation of 3 units right and 2 units down
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Question 18
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ΔXYZ : X (-1, 1), Y (3, 1), Z (1, 3); reflection over the y -axis
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