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Grade 8 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
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Question 7
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Make a Conjecture Hexagon ABCDEF has six congruent sides.
a. Draw \(\overline{\text{CA}}\), \(\overline{\text{CF}}\), and \(\overline{\text{CE}}\).
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Question 7
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c. Make a conjecture about which triangles are congruent. Test your conjectures by measuring the sides and angles of the triangles.
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H.O.T. Problems Higher Order Thinking |
Question 8
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Find the Error Mandar is making a congruence statement for the congruent triangles shown. Find his mistake and correct it.
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Question 9
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Persevere with Problems Determine whether each statement is true or false. If true, explain your reasoning. If false, give a counterexample.
a. If two figures are congruent, their perimeters are equal.
Question 9
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b. If two figures have the same perimeter, they are congruent.
Question 10
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Model with Mathematics Write and solve a real-world problem that involves using the properties of congruent figures to find a missing measure.
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