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Grade 8 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
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H.O.T. Problems H igher O rder T hinking
Question 5
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Find the Error Brian is describing the data values that are within one standard deviation of the mean of a set of data. Find his mistake and correct it.
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Question 6
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Identify Structure Create a list of data with at least five numbers that has a range of 40. Describe the mean absolute deviation.
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Question 7
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Persevere with Problems The standard deviation of ribbon lengths is about 7.2 inches. Describe the lengths that are within two standard deviations of the mean. Explain your reasoning.
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Question 8
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Justify Conclusions Determine whether the following statement is always , sometimes , or never true. Justify your response.
A data set with a mean absolute deviation of 9 is more spread out than a data set with a mean absolute deviation of 3 .
Question 9
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Reason Inductively Compare and contrast standard deviation and mean absolute deviation.
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