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Grade 8 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
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Question 11
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The box plot shows the number of hours spent working on a science project by students. Determine if each statement is a valid conclusion based on the box plot. Select yes or no.
a . The distribution is symmetric.
b . The median is the best measure to describe the center.
c . There is an outlier at 2.
Question 12
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The list of data shows the number of students at different bus stops on Mr. Carter's route. Construct a line plot of the data.
Circle the correct term to make each statement true.
a . The distribution is (symmetric, not symmetric).
b . There is a (gap, cluster) between 4 and 7.
c . The (mean, median) is the best measure to describe the center.
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Spiral Review
Select an appropriate display for each situation. Choose from the list shown.
Bar Graph Line Graph
Box Plot Line PLot
Circle Graph Double Bar Graph
Scatter Plot Double Line Graph
Histogram Double Box Plot
Question 13
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the number of cell phone subscribers for the past 5 years
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Question 14
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point totals for the top 10 NASCAR drivers
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Question 15
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the portion of a family's budget assigned to each category
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Question 16
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the median of the exam scores for one class
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