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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Chapter 1; Lesson 4: Powers of 10 and Exponents
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Lesson Check
Question 1
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Which of the following is NOT equivalent to “3 times the sixth power of 10?”
Question 2
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Gary mails 103 flyers to clients in one week. How many flyers does Gary mail?
Spiral Review
Question 3
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Harley is loading 625 bags of cement onto small pallets. Each pallet holds 5 bags. How many pallets will Harley need?
Question 4
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Marylou buys a package of 500 jewels to decorate 4 different pairs of jeans. She uses the same number of jewels on each pair of jeans. How many jewels will she use for each pair of jeans?
Question 5
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Manny buys 4 boxes of straws for his restaurant. There are 500 straws in each box. How many straws does he buy?
Question 6
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Cammie goes to the gym to exercise 4 times per week. Altogether, how many times does she go to the gym in 10 weeks?