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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Chapter 2; Lesson 7:Interpret the Remainder
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Interpret the Remainder
Interpret the remainder to solve.
Question 1
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Warren spent 140 hours making 16 wooden toy trucks for a craft fair. If he spent the same amount of time making each truck, how many hours did he spend making each truck?
8 16)140 -128 12
\(8\frac{3}{4}\) hours
Question 2
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Marcia has 412 bouquets of flowers for centerpieces. She uses 8 flowers for each centerpiece. How many centerpieces can she make?
Question 3
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On the 5th grade class picnic, 50 students share 75 sandwiches equally. How many sandwiches does each student get?
Question 4
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One plant container holds 14 tomato seedlings. If you have 1,113 seedlings, how many containers do you need to hold all the seedlings?
Problem Solving
Question 5
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Fiona bought 212 stickers to make a sticker book. If she places 18 stickers on each page, how many pages will her sticker book have?
Question 6
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Jenny has 220 ounces of cleaning solution that she wants to divide equally among 12 large containers. How much cleaning solution should she put in each container?