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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Chapter 9; Lesson 7:Graph and Analyze Relationships
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Lesson Check
Use the data to complete the graph. Then answer the questions.
Paola is making a pitcher of iced tea. For each cup of water, she uses 3 tablespoons of powdered iced tea mix.
Question 1
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What rule relates the amount of iced tea mix to the amount of water?
Question 2
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Suppose Paola uses 18 tablespoons of iced tea mix. How many cups of water does she need to use?
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Question 3
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A biologist counted 10,000 migrating monarch butterflies. How do you express 10,000 as a power of 10?
Question 4
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For which expression will the quotient be greater than 100?
Question 6
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On a certain day, $1 is worth 30.23 Russian rubles. Omar has $75. How many rubles will he get in exchange?