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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Chapter 1: Lesson 7: Use Place Value to Add
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Lesson Check
Question 1
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There are 167 students in the third grade. The same number of students is in the fourth grade. How many third graders and fourth graders are there in all?
Question 2
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Jamal read a book with 128 pages. Then he read a book with 179 pages. How many pages did Jamal read in all?
Spiral Review
Question 3
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Adam travels 248 miles on Monday. He travels 167 miles on Tuesday. Which is the best estimate for the total number of miles Adam travels?
Question 4
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Wes made $14, $62, $40, and $36 mowing lawns. How much did he make in all mowing lawns?
Question 5
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There are 24 students in Mrs. Cole’s class and 19 students in Mr. Garmen’s class. How many students in all are in the two classes?
Question 6
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There were 475 children at the baseball game on Sunday. What is 475 rounded to the nearest ten?