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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Chapter 1: Lesson 9: Mental Math Strategies for Subtraction
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Lesson Check
Question 1
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One day, a baker made 54 fruit pies. At the end of the day, only 9 of the pies were NOT sold. How many pies were sold that day?
Question 2
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George’s father bought a 50-pound bag of wild bird seed. At the end of two weeks, 36 pounds of seed were left in the bag. How many pounds of seed had been used?
Spiral Review
Question 3
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For a party, Shaun blew up 36 red balloons, 28 white balloons, and 24 blue balloons. How many balloons did he blow up in all?
Question 4
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Tiffany has read 115 pages of her book. She has 152 pages left to read. How many pages are in the book?
Question 5
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The flower shop had 568 flowers on Monday. By Tuesday, the shop had 159 flowers left. About how many flowers had been sold?
Question 6
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There are 383 books in one section of the school library. Of the books, 165 are fiction books. Which is the best estimate of the number of books in that section that are NOT fiction?