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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
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Question 1
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A zoo has 2 male lions. One sixth of the lions are male lions. How many lions are there at the zoo?
Question 2
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Max has 5 red model cars. One third of his model cars are red. How many model cars does Max have?
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Question 3
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There are 382 trees in the local park. What is the number of trees rounded to the nearest hundred?
Question 4
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The Jones family is driving 458 miles on their vacation. So far, they have driven 267 miles. How many miles do they have left to drive? 458 - 267
Question 5
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Ken has 6 different colors of marbles. He has 9 marbles of each color. How many marbles does Ken have in all?
Question 6
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Eight friends share two pizzas equally. How much of a pizza does each friend get?