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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Problem Solving • Time Intervals
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Question 1
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Gloria went to the mall and spent 50 minutes shopping. Then she had lunch for 30 minutes. If Gloria arrived at the mall at 11:00 A.M., at what time did she finish lunch?
Question 2
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The ball game begins at 2:00 P.M. It takes Ying 30 minutes to get to the ballpark. At what time should Ying leave home to get to the game 30 minutes before it starts?
Spiral Review
Question 3
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Which lists the fractions in order from least to greatest?
Question 4
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Find the unknown factor.
\(6\times \blacksquare=36\)
Question 5
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There were 405 books on the library shelf. Some books were checked out. Now there are 215 books left on the shelf. How many books were checked out?
Question 6
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Savannah has 48 photos. She places 8 photos on each page of her photo album. How many pages in the album does she use?