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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Solve Problems About Liquid Volume and Mass
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Lesson Check
Question 1
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Mickey’s beagle has a mass of 15 kilograms. His dachshund has a mass of 13 kilograms. What is the combined mass of the two dogs?
Question 2
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Lois put 8 liters of water in a bucket for her pony. At the end of the day, there were 2 liters of water left. How much water did the pony drink?
Spiral Review
Question 3
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Josiah has 3 packs of toy animals. Each pack has the same number of animals. Josiah gives 6 animals to his sister Stephanie. Then Josiah has 9 animals left. How many animals were in each pack?
Question 4
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Tom jogged \(\frac{3}{10}\) mile, Betsy jogged \(\frac{5}{10}\) mile, and Sue jogged \(\frac{2}{10}\) mile. Who jogged a longer distance than \(\frac{4}{10}\) mile?
Question 5
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Bob started mowing at 9:55 A.M. It took him 25 minutes to mow the front yard and 45 minutes to mow the back yard. At what time did Bob finish mowing?
Question 6
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Juliana wants to find the mass of a watermelon. Which unit should she use?