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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Chapter 3; Lesson 11: Problem Solving • Add and Subtract Money
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Problem Solving. Add and Substract Money
Solve.Use The table to solve 1 -3.
Question 2
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Natalie and her friends decided to rent 4 lanes at regular cost for a party. Ten people need to rent shoes, and 4 people are members. What is the total cost for the party?
Question 3
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Warren paid $23.85 and received no change. He is a member and rented 2 lanes. How many pairs of shoes did he rent?
Use the following information to solve 4–6.
At the concession stand, medium sodas cost $1.25 and hot dogs cost $2.50.
Question 4
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Natalie’s group brought in pizzas, but is buying the drinks at the concession stand. How many medium sodas can Natalie’s group buy with $20? Make a table to show your answer.
Question 5
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Jack bought 2 medium sodas and 2 hot dogs. He paid with $20. What was his change?
Question 6
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How much would it cost to buy 3 medium sodas and 2 hot dogs?