Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Common Core

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  • Question 1 (request help)

    Compare 2,351 and 3,018. Which number has more thousands? Which number is greater?

  •     has more thousands
        is greater

Compare the numbers. Write <,> or = in the  Ο.

On Your Own

Compare the numbers. Write <, >, or = in the  Ο.

Problem Solving

  • Question 12 (request help)

    Nina has a dictionary with 1,680 pages. Trey has a dictionary with 1,490 pages. Use <, >, or = to compare the number of pages in the dictionaries.

  • 1,680     1,490
  • Question 13 (request help)

    The odometer in Ed’s car shows it has been driven 8,946 miles. The odometer in Beth’s car shows it has been driven 5,042 miles. Which car has been driven more miles?

  •     ’s car has been driven more miles.
  • Question 14 (request help)

    Avery said that she is 3,652 days old. Tamika said that she is 3,377 days old. Who is younger?

  •     is younger.

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