Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Common Core

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Concepts and Skills

Complete the packing chart. Use the fewest packages possible. When there is a zero, use the next smaller size package.

  • Question 1 (request help)
  • Number of Bolts Ordered Crates (Ten Thousands) Boxes (Thousands) Cases (Hundreds) Bags (Tens) Single Bolts (Ones)
    2,709 7 0
  • Question 2 (request help)

    Find the number that point A represents on the number line.


Compare the numbers. Write <, >, or = in the Ο.

Problem Solving

  • Question 7 (request help)

    The number of people who attended the Spring Festival is 799 more than 8 thousands. How many people attended the festival?

  •     people
  • Question 8 (request help)

    There are 1,290 photos on Nadia’s memory card. There are 1,450 photos on Trevor’s memory card. Use <, >, or = to compare the number of photos on the memory cards.

  • 1,290 photos     1,450 photos

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