Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 6 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 5: Integers and the Coordinate Plane;Lesson 5: Compare and Order Rational Numbers

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Fill in each   with <, >, or = to make a true statement.

  • Question 18 (request help)
  • \(\large -\frac{3}{7}\)   \(\large -\frac{2}{5}\)

Order the following sets of numbers from least to greatest.

  • Question 22 (request help)

    \(\left\{\large\frac{1}{8} ,-0.025, 0.2,\large-\frac{1}{7}\right\}\)       



  • Question 23 (request help)

    \(\left\{1.25,\large1\frac{3}{4}, 1.2\overline{5},\large1\frac{1}{5}\right\}\)



  • Question 24 (request help)

    Reason Inductively The average amount of time Brent spent in-line skating for one week was 34 minutes. During the next week, the difference between the average time and actual time spent skating was 4.2 minutes, −\(5\frac{1}{3}\) minutes, −\(2\frac{1}{2}\) minutes, and 3.75 minutes.

    Order these differences from least to greatest.

  • Type below:

Fill in each   with <, >, or = to make a true statement.

  • Question 25 (request help)
  • \(\large-4 \frac{4}{5}\)    \(-4.\overline {7}\)
  • Question 28 (request help)

    The table shows the profit or loss of the after-school snack stand.

     a. Write each profit as a positive number and each loss as a negative number.

     b. Order the numbers from least to greatest.

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