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Grade 6 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 7:Equations;Lesson 3: Solve and Write Subtraction Equations
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Question 32
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Xavier's age is 3 less than Paula's age. Xavier is 11 years old. Select the correct items to complete the bar diagram below representing Paula's age.
Question 33
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Owen bought a pair of shoes and the shirt shown. The cost of the shirt was $42 less than the price of the shoes. Let s represent the price of the shoes. Determine if each statement is true or false.
a. The equations s - 22 = 42 models the situation.
b. The equation 42 - s = 22 models the situation.
c. The cost of the shoes was $64.
Spiral Review
Question 40
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The Cozy Cat Shop has 3 calico cats for every gray cat. If they have 9 calico cats available, how many gray cats do they have?