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Grade 6 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 7:Equations; Mid-Chapter Check
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Mid-Chapter Check
Vocabulary Check
Question 1
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Define equation. Give an example of a number sentence that is an equation and a number sentence that is not an equation.
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Question 2
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Fill in the blank in the sentence below with the correct term.
You can solve equations using ____________ , which undo each other.
Skills Check and Problem Solving
Circle the solution of the equation from the list given.
Solve each equation. Check your solution.
Question 11
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Use Math Tools The difference between the water levels for high and low tide was 3.6 feet. Write and solve an equation to find the water level at high tide.
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Question 12
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Standardized Test Practice Fonzi spent a total of 90 minutes completing his chores this week. Which of the following equations represents the number of minutes Fonzi spent washing the dishes?