Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 6 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 9:Area;Lesson 4:Changes in Dimension

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Refer to the parallelogram at the right for Exercises 10-12. Justify your answers.

  • Question 11 (request help)

    Suppose the side lengths are multiplied by 6. Describe the change in the perimeter.

  • Question 12 (request help)

    Suppose the base and height are each multiplied by 3.5. Describe the change in the area.

  • Question 13 (request help)

    Refer to the triangle at the right. Suppose the side lengths and height of the triangle were divided by 4. What effect would this have on the perimeter? the area? Justify your answer.

  • Question 14 (request help)

    Justify Conclusions A model car has a windshield with dimensions \(\frac{1}{18}\) the size of a real car windshield.The rectangular windshield of the real car has an area of about 2,318 square inches, with a width of 61 inches. What are the side lengths of the model cars windshield? Round to the nearest hundredth. Justify your answer.

  • The width of the model   in
    The length of the model   in

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