Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 6 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 9:Area;Lesson 4:Changes in Dimension

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  • Question 15 (request help)

    Fill in the boxes to complete each statement about the trapezoid shown

    a. When the dimensions of the trapezoid are multiplied by 2, the area ................... times greater.

    b. When the dimensions of the trapezoid are multiplied by ............. ,the area is 16 times greater.

    c. When the dimensions of the trapezoid are multiplied by 5, the area is ............... times greater.

  • Question 16 (request help)

    The side lengths of triangle A are equal. The side lengths of triangle B are also equal. Triangle A has a perimeter of 9 meters. Triangle B has a perimeter of 27 meters. Select the correct values to make each statement true.

    a. The length of each side in triangle A is ....... meters.

    b. The length of each side in triangle B is ....... meters.

    c. The area of triangle A is about 3.9 square meters. The area of triangle B is about ...... square meters.

Spiral Review

Graph the opposite of each number on a number line.

  • Question 20 (request help)

    Graph 2 and 9. Then use the number line to find the distance between 9 and 2.

  • Question 21 (request help)

    John and his dad are playing catch on the football field. John is standing on the 10-yard line. His dad is standing on the 25-yard line. How far is John from his  dad? If his dad moves to the 20-yard line, what is the distance between them now?

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