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Grade 7 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 10: Statistics; Lesson 5: Select an Appropiate Display
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Question 5
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Refer to the situations described below.
a. Which situation involves data that is best displayed in a bar graph? Explain your reasoning.
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Question 5
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b. Refer to the situation you selected in part a. Could you display the data using another type of display? If so, which display? Explain.
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H.O.T. Problems Higher Order Thinking |
Question 6
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Model with Mathematics Give an example of a data set that would be best represented in a line graph.
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Question 7
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Reason Inductively Determine if the following statement is always, sometimes, or never true. Justify your response.
A circle graph can be used to display data from a bar graph.
Question 8
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Persevere with Problems Determine if the following statement is true or false. Explain your reasoning.
A line plot can be used to display data from a histogram.
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Question 9
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Select an appropriate display for showing the temperature change for the last three hours.