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Grade 7 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 10: Statistics; Lesson 5: Select an Appropiate Display
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Justify Conclusions Select an appropriate display for each situation. Justify your reasoning.
Question 10
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the resale value of a person’s car over time
line graph; A line graph compares change over time.
Question 11
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the percent of people that drink 0, 1, 2, 3, or more than 3 glasses of water a day
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Question 12
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the number of different colored cars at a car dealership
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Question 13
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The circle graph shows the approximate percent of the total volume of each Great Lake.
a. Display the data using another type of display.
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Question 14
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b. Write a convincing argument telling which display is more appropriate.
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Copy and Solve Select an appropriate display for each situation. Then justify your reasoning and construct the display on a separate sheet of paper. What can you conclude from your display?