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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
Chapter 1: Chapter Review/Test
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Question 18
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Erica’s high score on her new video game is 30,000 points. Maria’s high score is \(\frac{1}{10}\) of Erica’s. How many points did Maria score?
Question 19
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Rich makes $35 a week mowing lawns in his neighborhood. Which expression can be used to show how much money he makes in 8 weeks?
Question 20
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Mr. Rodriguez bought a supply of 20 reams of printer paper. Each ream contains 500 sheets of paper. How many sheets of printer paper are there?
Question 21
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Harvester ants are common in the southwestern United States. A single harvester ant colony may have as many as 90,000 members. What is that number written as a whole number multiplied by a power of ten?