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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
Chapter 1: Chapter Review/Test
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Question 22
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Megan used the following expression to find the quotient of a division problem. (4 x 12) + (4 x 6) What was the division problem and the quotient?
Question 23
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It is 1,325 feet from Kinsey’s house to her school. Kinsey walks to school each morning and gets a ride home each afternoon. How many feet does Kinsey walk to school in 5 days?
Question 24
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An adult elephant eats about 300 pounds of food each day. Which expression shows about how many pounds of food a herd of 12 elephants eats in 5 days?
Question 25
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Carla can type 265 characters a minute on her computer keyboard. At that rate, how many characters can she type in 15 minutes?