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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
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Problem Solving + Applications
Solve by finding an equivalent ratio.
Question 14
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It takes 8 minutes for Sue to make 2 laps around the go-kart track. How many laps can Sue complete in 24 minutes?
Question 15
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The width of Jay’s original photo is 8 inches. The length of the original photo is 10 inches. He prints a smaller version that has an equivalent ratio of width to length. The width of the smaller version is 4 inches less than the width of the original. What is the length of the smaller version?
Question 16
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Ariel bought 3 raffle tickets for $5. How many tickets could Ariel buy for $15?
Question 17
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What’s the Error? Greg used the steps shown to find the unknown value. Describe his error and give the correct solution.
\(\begin{align} \frac{2}{6} &= \frac{\text{?}}{12} \\ \frac{2+6}{6+6} &= \frac{\text{?}}{12} \\ \frac{8}{12} &= \frac{\text{?}}{12} \\ \end{align} \)
The unknown value is 8.
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Question 18
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Courtney bought 3 maps for $10. Use the table of equivalent ratios to find how many maps she can buy for $30.
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