Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys

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Find Unit Rates

Write the rate as a fraction. Then find the unit rate.

  • Question 1 (request help)

    A wheel rotates through 1,800º in 5 revolutions.

  • Type below:
  • Question 2 (request help)

    There are 312 cards in 6 decks of playing cards.

  • Type below:
  • Question 3 (request help)

    Bana ran 18.6 miles of a marathon in 3 hours.

  • Type below:
  • Question 4 (request help)

    Cameron paid $30.16 for 8 pounds of almonds.

  • Type below:

Compare unit rates.

  • Question 5 (request help)

    An online game company offers a package that includes 2 games for $11.98. They also offer a package that includes 5 games for $24.95. Which package is a better deal?

  •     package
  • Question 6 (request help)

    At a track meet, Samma finished the 200-meter race in 25.98 seconds. Tom finished the 100-meter race in 12.54 seconds. Which runner ran at a faster average rate?


  Problem Solving  

  • Question 7 (request help)

    Sylvio’s flight is scheduled to travel 1,792 miles in 3.5 hours. At what average rate will the plane have to travel to complete the trip on time?

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  • Question 8 (request help)

    Rachel bought 2 pounds of apples and 3 pounds of peaches for a total of $10.45. The apples and peaches cost the same amount per pound. What was the unit rate?

  • Type below:
  • Question 9 (request help)

    Write a word problem that involves comparing unit rates.

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