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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
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Identify the statistical question. Explain your reasoning. |
Question 1
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A. What was the low temperature in Chicago each day in March?
B. What was the low temperature in Chicago on March 7?
Question 2
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A. How long did it take you to get to school this morning?
B. How long did it take you to get to school each morning this week?
Write a statistical question you could ask in the situation. |
Question 3
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A student recorded the number of pets in the households of 50 sixth-graders.
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On Your Own
Identify the statistical question. Explain your reasoning. |
Question 4
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A. How many gold medals has Finland won at each of the last 10 Winter Olympics?
B. How many gold medals did Finland win at the 2008 Winter Olympics?
Write a statistical question you could ask in the situation. |
Question 5
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A wildlife biologist measured the length of time that 17 grizzly bears hibernated.
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Question 6
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A doctor recorded the birth weights of 48 babies.
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