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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
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Problem Solving + Applications
Use the table for 7 and 8.
Question 7
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Give a statistical question that you could ask about the data recorded in the table.
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Question 8
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What statistical question could “92 mi/hr” be the answer to?
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Question 9
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Explain A video game company will make a new game. The manager must choose between a roleplaying game and an action game. He asks his sales staff which of the last 10 released games sold the most copies. Explain why this is a statistical question.
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Question 10
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Think of a topic. Record a set of data for the topic. Write a statistical question that you could ask about your data.
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Question 11
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For numbers 11a–11d, choose Yes or No to indicate whether the question is a statistical question.
11a . How many minutes did it take Ethan to complete his homework last night?
11b . How many minutes did it take Madison to complete her homework each night this week?
11c . How many more minutes did Andrew spend on homework on Tuesday than on Thursday?
11d . What was the longest amount of time Abigail spent on homework this week?