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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
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Recognize Statistical Questions
Identify the statistical question. Explain your reasoning. |
Question 1
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A. How many touchdowns did the quarterback throw during the last game of the season?
B. How many touchdowns did the quarterback throw each game of the season?
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Question 2
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A. What was the score in the first frame of a bowling game?
B. What are the scores in 10 frames of a bowling game?
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Question 3
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A. How many hours of television did you watch each day this week?
B. How many hours of television did you watch on Saturday?
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Write a statistical question you could ask in the situation. |
Question 4
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A teacher recorded the test scores of her students.
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Question 5
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A car salesman knows how many of each model of a car was sold in a month.
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Problem Solving |
Question 6
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The city tracked the amount of waste that was recycled from 2000 to 2007. Write a statistical question about the situation.
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Question 7
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The daily low temperature is recorded for a week. Write a statistical question about the situation.
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Question 8
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Write three statistical questions that you could use to gather data about your family. Explain why the questions are statistical.
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