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Grade 8 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
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Solve each equation. Check your solution. |
Question 16
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\(8(4\text{q} - 5) - 7\text{q} = 5(5\text{q} - 8)\)
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Question 19
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\(-7(\text{k} + 9) = 9(\text{k} - 5) - 14\text{k}\)
Question 20
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\(10\text{p} - 2(3\text{p} - 6) = 4(3\text{p} - 6) - 8\text{p}\)
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Question 21
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\(12(\text{x} + 3) = 4(2\text{x} + 9) + 4\text{x}\)
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Question 22
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\(0.2(\text{x} + 50) - 6 = 0.4(3\text{x} + 20)\)
Question 23
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Identify Structure Give an example of a multi-step equation for each of the following solutions.
a. all numbers
b. null set
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