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Grade 8 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
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Question 24
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The table shows expressions to represent the number of students involved in different activities. The number of students involved in sports and student council is equal to the number of students involved in band and drama club. Model the situation with an equation. Select the correct expression for each box. Then solve the equation.
How many students participate in each activity?
sports: _____
band: _____
student council: _____
drama club: _____
Question 25
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The figures below have the same perimeter. Determine if each statement is true or false.
a . The value of x is 2.
b . The perimeter of the triangle is 36 units.
c . The perimeter of the square is 32 units.
Spiral Review
Solve each inequality. Graph the solution set on a number line.
Question 29
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\(-\cfrac{\text{n}}{4} \gt -2\)
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