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total lb oz in 1 lb total oz
18 x 16 = 288
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total oz oz in 1 lb total lb
3,200 ÷ 16 = 200
total T lb in 1 T total lb
12 T x 2,000 = 24,000
100 x 16 = 1,600
total lb lb in 1 T total T
60,000 ÷ 2,000 = 60
number of millimeters number ofcentimeters in 1 centimeter millimeters 15 x 10 = 150
number of grams number of grams in 1 kilogram kilogram 3,200 ÷ 1,000 = 3.2
3,200 g = 3.2 kg
number of milliliters number of liters in 1 liter milliliters 12 x 1,000 = 12,000
12 L = 12,000 mL
number of centimeters number of centimeters in 1 meter meters 200 ÷ 100 = 2
200 cm = 2 m
number of millimeters number of meters in 1 meter millimeters 60 x 1,000 = 60,000
60 m = 60,000 mm
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