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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
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Question 1
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Zoe collected data on the number of points her favorite basketball players scored in several games. Use the information in the table to compare the data.
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Question 2
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Mark collected data on the weights of puppies at two animal shelters. Find the median and range of each data set, and use these measures to compare the data.
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On Your Own
Kwan analyzed data about the number of hours musicians in her band practice each week. The table shows her results. Use the table for Exercises 3–5.
Question 3
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Which two students typically practiced the same amount each week, with about the same variation in practice times?
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Question 4
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Which two students typically practiced the same number of hours, but had very different variations in their practice times?
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Question 5
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Which two students had the same variation in practice times, but typically practiced a different number of hours per week?
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